The Value of Appreciation and Recognition in the Workplace

The quality of our work life is improved when we feel genuinely recognized and appreciated for our work. In this interactive, reflective webinar, participants will be invited to reflect on how they have received appreciation in the workplace.

What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say

This webinar will provide you with a strategy for making it easier to participate in the
difficult conversations and respond to the difficult questions that often arise in healthcare
settings. Exlporing the VERS method (VERS: validate, explore respond and share)

Silence mental health stigma with compassion

Stigma around mental health can result in people feeling isolated and resistant to seeking support. Reducing stigma allows for a caring and non-judgmental response to our mental health, individually and collectively.

Responding to Crisis at Work

During this session, we will learn a simple three-step model that can be used to respond effectively to distress.

Mental Health and Resilience: Resources for Workers

The importance of mental health is becoming more and more clear in recent times and there are strategies that workers can take to improve their individual resilience. Learn about the signs and symptoms if someone is struggling, strategies for maintaining positive mental health, and the tools and resources available for workers to take care of themselves and to promote psychological health and safety in the workplace.