Heart Based Approach™ Caring

A Heart Based Approach is a proactive mental health tool that utilizes the science of positive psychology and emotional intelligence to meet people where they are and journey with them to feeling aliveness.

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Managing Chronic Pain

In this webinar, we’ll explore the nature and profound impact of chronic pain in the workplace. We’ll also analyze factors contributing to chronic pain and share evidence-based, practical strategies specifically tailored for caregivers.

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Managing Trauma and Stress

Learn about the ways trauma and stress can impact healthcare professionals, and practice helpful coping strategies in this one-hour discussion about trauma and healthcare.

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Transforming Emotions Workshop

Research on effective emotional transition shows that individuals, businesses, and organizations need the right tools to guide themselves and others through the normal emotional response to stress, change, and challenge

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Energy Health Management

Optimal health & performance aren’t just about hard work and accountability; they’re also about managing the normal limits of output. Using the latest research from Dr. Sean Richardson and his own experience, Joe shows participants how to develop discipline around recovery and build resilient mindsets that boost productivity and stress-proof their lives.

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What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say

This webinar will provide you with a strategy for making it easier to participate in the
difficult conversations and respond to the difficult questions that often arise in healthcare
settings. Exlporing the VERS method (VERS: validate, explore respond and share)

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Mental Health and Wellness

Creating a Space to be Heard: How Care to Speak Can Help

Learn about the current wellness of today’s force in the healthcare sector from the perspective of Care to Speak. Our speakers will guide us on identifying burn-out and vicarious traumatization red flags and recommendations to support better and understand our teams.

De-escalation Strategies for Healthcare

Overworked and stressed already, healthcare workers often find themselves on the receiving end of the upset that patients and families are experiencing. In this interactive, reflective webinar, participants will learn practical strategies to help them de-escalate situations in which patients and family members are in distress. Opportunities to discuss and troubleshoot scenarios will be included, allowing participants to apply the skills discussed in this training to real-life situations.

Stress Management

During this 1-hour webinar, which originally aired on April 24, 2023, participants will learn more about acute and chronic stress and explore effective stress management strategies, especially for caregivers. Stress management is an important aspect of overall mental health, burnout prevention and resilience for professionals who make a difference with their caring.

Principles of Psychological First Aid

This webinar provides an overview of the principles of psychological first aid, including what collective care means and how you can help others responsibly.

Healthy Sleep

This webinar will help participants: Understand why healthy sleep matters and how it impacts overall health and performance. Examine barriers to sleep (work, life demands, age and other factors). Explore circadian rhythms (how they can address shift work and other factors) to optimize sleep

How Leaders Can Support Mental Well-being and Performance Through Disruption

Provided by Wellness Works Canada, this webinar teaches how to integrate psychological support and mental health into existing workplace mechanisms.

Ask for Suppot

A free webinar presented by Margaret Tebbutt of the Canadian Mental Health Association.

Boundaries in Balance

A free webinar presented by Lucette Wesley of the Canadian Mental Health Association.

Cooking for Well-Being

Magaret Tebbutt of the Canadian Mental Health Association presents this concise webinar on the mental health benefits of cooking.

Self-Compassion Practice

Practice self-compassion and cultivate a greater sense of well-being. Research has demonstrated that higher levels of self-compassion are associated with increased happiness and connectedness, as well as decreased anxiety, depression, rumination and fear of failure. Featuring Alejandra Zibes, Registered Clinical Counsellor and Trauma and Sensitive Yoga Practitioner and Vicky Kenny, Yoga Instructor specializing in Trauma Sensitive, Nidra and Restorative Yoga.

Emotional Intelligence at Work

Learn the five attributes of Emotional Intelligence to help you deal with difficult interactions with peers, staff and clients.

Creating and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

This presentation outlines important interpersonal and professional boundaries for front-line staff, maintaining healthy boundaries and the interaction between boundaries, self-care, and resilience.

Sick and tired: A conversation about stress and fatigue

In a world ruled by pandemics, staff shortages, and public demands, it’s not unusual to feel like you’re barely hanging on, especially given the nature of caregiving. This unending loop between stress and fatigue is not easy to jump off. This session will address the relationship between stress and fatigue and what you can do to help maintain your health, relationships, and sanity!

Pandemic Response

Enhancing Psychological Health, Wellness and Resilience in the Era of COVID-19

In this webinar, Dr. Joti Samra, registered psychologist, discusses skills and strategies to help individuals improve their psychological health, resiliency and wellness, whether in the context of at home or in the workplace.

Supporting the Mental Health of Staff During COVID-19: Strategies being used in Long-Term Care

Learn how long-term care organizations are supporting their staff’s mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supporting the Mental Health of Staff During COVID-19: Strategies being used in Home Care

Learn how home care organizations are supporting their staff’s mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pain BC: Coping With Pain and Anxiety During COVID-19

The current COVID-19 health crisis can serve as an additional source of anxiety for people who live with chronic pain. When anxiety is left unmanaged, it can interfere with an individual’s health, well-being and ability to function in daily life.
In this webinar recording, psychologist Dr. Angie Ji discusses the relationship between anxiety and pain and shares several coping strategies people in pain can utilize to manage anxiety, and in turn pain, during this time of uncertainty. This webinar is open to both people with lived experience of pain and health care providers interested in learning more about coping strategies to share with clients.
Pain BC aims to enhance the well-being of all people living with pain through empowerment, care, education and innovation