The Value of Appreciation and Recognition in the Workplace

The quality of our work life is improved when we feel genuinely recognized and appreciated for our work. In this interactive, reflective webinar, participants will be invited to reflect on how they have received appreciation in the workplace. We will consider tips for finding appreciation when others don’t necessarily offer it. We will explore concrete strategies for showing appreciation to colleagues, which can positively impact well-being individually and collectively.


By the end of this webinar, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize a time in which they felt genuinely appreciated at work
  • Identify concrete strategies for recognizing colleagues

Our presenters

Rebecca Higgins has worked in community and social services for over 23 years, specializing in mental health education since 2010. She has designed and facilitated workshops and webinars for a wide range of groups, including educators, caregivers, artists, librarians, customer service professionals and many more.


In addition, Rebecca has served as a panelist and presenter at conferences, delivered keynote speeches on mental health, and provided consultation support to community mental health initiatives.