Care for Caregivers provides free, accessible mental health support for healthcare providers in British Columbia. We aim to empower healthcare professionals to prioritize their well-being by cultivating a network of helpful resources and fostering a resilient community of caregivers supporting caregivers. This initiative is led by the Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division in partnership with SafeCare BC, and proudly supported by the Province of British Columbia.

Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division (CMHA BC) is British Columbia’s mental health charity and champion, dedicated to creating a world where mental well-being is valued and supported by and for all. Through advocacy, education, engagement, and community-based services, we’re here to break down barriers, combat stigma, uplift the voices of lived expertise, and ensure vital and equitable access to mental health and substance use resources. Together with 14 BC community branches, we’re building a brighter, more inclusive future where mental health is a priority for all in British Columbia.

Established in 2013, SafeCare BC is an industry-funded, non-profit association working to ensure injury-free, safe working conditions for continuing care workers in BC. SafeCare BC strives to be the industry leader in advancing injury prevention and safety training for long-term care and home support workers through cost-effective training, educational services, and industry safety performance information. SafeCare BC also relays government health and safety legislation and policies which impact their members.