Healing from the impact of trauma
This workshop is designed to provide knowledge, increase understanding, develop ideas and strategies for responding to trauma.
De-escalation strategies for healthcare
Overworked and stressed already, healthcare workers often find themselves on the receiving end of the upset that patients and families are experiencing. In this interactive, reflective webinar, participants will learn practical strategies to help them de-escalate situations in which patients and family members are in distress.
Stress Management
During this 1-hour webinar, participants will learn more about acute and chronic stress and explore effective stress management strategies, especially for caregivers.
Principles of Psychological First Aid
This webinar provides an overview of the principles of psychological first aid, including what collective care means and how you can help others responsibly.
Healthy Sleep
This webinar will help participants: Understand why healthy sleep matters and how it impacts overall health and performance. Examine barriers to sleep (work, life demands, age and other factors). Explore circadian rhythms (how they can address shift work and other factors) to optimize sleep
Sick and Tired: A conversation about stress and fatigue
In a world ruled by pandemics, staff shortages, and public demands, it’s not unusual to feel like you’re barely hanging on, especially given the nature of caregiving. This unending loop between stress and fatigue is not easy to jump off. This session will address the relationship between stress and fatigue and what you can do to help maintain your health, your relationships, and your sanity!
Understanding Stress Injury and Enhancing Resiliency
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn specific resources such as daily self-care plans, just-in-time techniques and strategies for maintaining healthy coping strategies.
Emotional Intelligence at Work
Learn specific resources such as daily self-care plans, just-in-time techniques and strategies for maintaining healthy coping strategies with our experienced specialists.