The Value of Appreciation and Recognition in the Workplace

The quality of our work life is improved when we feel genuinely recognized and appreciated for our work. In this interactive, reflective webinar, participants will be invited to reflect on how they have received appreciation in the workplace.
World Suicide Prevention Day 2023

World Suicide Prevention Day aims to bring attention to the global issue of suicide to reduce stigma, raise awarness, and spread the message the suicides are often preventable.
Vicarious trauma and vicarious resilience

Vicarious trauma happens when someone else is harmed physically or emotionally and it has an effect on us.
10 Steps to Retire Without Debt

Participants will learn about debt elimination options so that they can enter their golden years without the shackles of debt. Presented by Credit Counselling Society.
Mind Your Money Series: Psychology of Spending

Participants will learn about debt elimination options so that they can enter their golden years without the shackles of debt. Presented by Credit Counselling Society.
Understanding substance use and the workplace

This webinar will provide will provide viewers with educational information and answer questions about the use of substances.
Mental health at work for managers: Having that difficult conversation with someone who is struggling

You will leave this webinar with tools and skills that will help you to have that difficult conversation with employees who are showing signs of distress.